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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spiritual Discernment Retreat

Fr. Todd Petersen and Margaret McHugh are offering a retreat on Spiritual Discernment for lay people, looking at St. Ignatius of Loyola's great contribution to the Church - the Rules of Discernment. It will be half at the Retreat center of Schoenstatt on the Lake, Sleepy Eye, November 23 through November 25th, with daily Masses, meals, and overnight accommodations. To reserve your place, contact Margaret (507 359-2966 or or Fr. Todd ( by Tuesday, November 20.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seminarian Poster, 2012

Our Seminarian Poster has been posted.

New Edition of Vocations View Newsletter

I have posted the newest volume of the Vocations View Newsletter. Click to go to the page, or Right click to download!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Seminarian Information, Fall 2012

We have posted our newest list of Seminarian information. Download it here.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Prayer Calendar

I have posted the new prayer calendar for September through February. I also posted the full-page calendars, too.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dates and Locations of the Operation Andrew Dinners, 2012

The dates and locations (and RSVP contact) are:
October 8 St. Eloi, Ghent Fr. Jeremy Kucera 507-872-6346
October 24 St. Philip, Litchfield Fr. Joseph Steinbeisser 320-693-3313
November 7 St. Andrew, Fairfax Fr. Jeffery Horesji 506-426-7125

Our New website is up!!!

We are finally live with the new Website for Vocations! Check it out!!!

Discernment Retreat 2012

We are hosting a Discernment retreat for young men and their parents August 10, 2012. The flyer is here, email me at for registration or more information.

Plenary Indulgence for Prayer of Reparation on feast of the Sacred Heart

Today, there is the possibility of receiving an indulgence for praying the Actus reparationis.
MOST sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thee, eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject.
Mindful, alas! that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask Thy pardon and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation, not only for our own personal offenses, but also for the sins of those, who, straying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow Thee, their Shepherd and Leader, or, renouncing the promises of their baptism, have cast off the sweet yoke of Thy law.
We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are now determined to make amends for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behavior, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violations of Sundays and holydays, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy Saints. We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy priests are subjected, for the profanation, by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacrilege, of the very crimes of nations who resist the rights and teaching authority of the Church which Thou hast founded.
Would that we were able to wash away such abominations with our blood. We now offer, in reparation for these violations of Thy divine honor, the satisfaction Thou once made to Thy Eternal Father on the cross and which Thou continuest to renew daily on our altars; we offer it in union with the acts of atonement of Thy Virgin Mother and all the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; and we sincerely promise to make recompense, as far as we can with the help of Thy grace, for all neglect of Thy great love and for the sins we and others have committed in the past. Henceforth, we will live a life of unswerving faith, of purity of conduct, of perfect observance of the precepts of the Gospel and especially that of charity. We promise to the best of our power to prevent others from offending Thee and to bring as many as possible to follow Thee.
O loving Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother, our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering we make of this act of expiation; and by the crowning gift of perseverance keep us faithful unto death in our duty and the allegiance we owe to Thee, so that we may all one day come to that happy home, where with the Father and the Holy Spirit Thou livest and reignest, God, forever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Vocations View Newsletter (May, '12)

I have posted the newest volume of the Vocations View Newsletter. Click to go to the page, or Right click to download!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Parent's Guide for Vocations eBook through Kindle Store

I was able to get my Parent's Guide for Vocations adapted to the Kindle. I also was able to add a "Look inside" feature, so you can see the Table of Contents, Index, and random pages.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Parent's Guide for Vocations Update

I just got copies of my book A Parent's Guide for Vocations - I reset the price for $6, but use code 9N9MQ8XC on the check out to get it for $4.50!). I will be giving the parents of our Diocesan seminarians and young women religious a copy.
Not to boast, but the book looks great!!! It is good to see the fruits of my labor, and to hold it in my hands!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It is Finished!!!

I have just finished my book for parents entitled A Parent's Guide for Vocations, and it is available at CreateSpace and

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Parent's Guide for Vocations

I am just completing my booklet, A Parent's Guide for Vocations, and uploaded it for self-publishing. Price is set $7, with proceeds to go to provide our seminarian and women religious parents a copy, and anything in excess to the Seminarian Aid Fund of the Diocese of New Ulm.

Monday, February 6, 2012

New Prayer Calendar posted

I have posted the new prayer calendar for March through August. I also posted the full-page calendars, too. I will rename it/move it the end of the month, which is why it is named "future".

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Newest Edition of Vocations View

I have posted the newest volume of the Vocations View Newsletter. Click to go to the page, or Right click to download!